Connect Groups
Our mid-week small group programme is focussed around Connect Groups – Connecting with God, Connecting with each other, Connecting with our community.
A number of groups operate each week, evening and daytime, in Whitchurch and in surrounding villages. Details of meeting times and venues are available by request by emailing the church office.
We firmly believe prayer to be an essential ingredient of our Christian life and witness. A number of opportunities for corporate prayer exist every week:
Zoom Prayer: Monday and Friday evenings, 7pm for 30mins
Meeting ID: 344 329 7510 Password: Beacon -
Powerhouse: once a month on a Sunday evening, 6.30pm - 7.30pm. A time to encounter God, worship, pray and hear from God, as we are led by the Holy Spirit. It really is the 'Powerhouse' of the church.
We run regular Alpha Courses each year. Participants in Alpha are then encouraged to go on to our BETA group to further their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. To register go to our Alpha page.